My Why

I’ve led teams in operations, marketing, and special projects. I’ve worked for nonprofits and corporations in specialties ranging from education, to healthcare, to construction, to community advancement.

My toes have been in enough pools to recognize the universalities that unite us—When people feel good about what they are doing and how they are doing it, work feels less like work.

This is my WHY.

Because at the end of the day, I want to still have the energy to raise my kids, convene with nature, make things with my hands, and rescue more animals.

It feeds my soul to help others do the same: Enjoy the work they do and have energy left for everything else they want to do.

I love meeting really good people doing really cool stuff and combining our powers to do it even better.

I can’t wait to hear your WHY.

Owner, Process Enthusiast, Writer, Cultivator of Good Deeds